/* global d3 */
import Internal from '../internalCharts/internal';
import Firebase from 'firebase';
import errors from '../utils/errors';
import themes from '../utils/themes';
/* global d3 */
import Internal from '../internalCharts/internal';
import Firebase from 'firebase';
import errors from '../utils/errors';
import themes from '../utils/themes';
Defines the main Chart class that servers as the super class for all chart types. The ChartMain class defines the default inherited property values, setters and getters, and the user-facing API.
export class ChartMain {
Sets the default inherited property values for all charts
constructor(width, height, margins, colors, title, fontSize, fontStyle, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, xAxisOrientation, yAxisOrientation) {
this._colors = colors || ['#E71D36', '#26408B', '#FF9F1C', '#767B91', '#0FA3B1'];
this._title = title || 'Default title';
this._fontSize = fontSize || 14;
this._fontStyle = fontStyle || 'Arial';
this._xAxisLabel = xAxisLabel || 'x Axis Label';
this._yAxisLabel = yAxisLabel || 'y Axis Label';
this._xAxisOrientation = xAxisOrientation || 'bottom';
this._yAxisOrientation = yAxisOrientation || 'left';
this._dateFormat = null;
this._chartWidth = null;
this._chartHeight = null;
this._margins = margins || { top: null, right: null, bottom: null, left: null };
All of the below setters and getters are used for the chart properties instantiated in the constructor function above.
set setParentHeight(newHeight) {
this._parentHeight = newHeight;
get getParentHeight() {
return this._parentHeight;
set setParentWidth(newWidth) {
this._parentWidth = newWidth;
get getParentWidth() {
return this._parentWidth;
set setChartHeight(newHeight) {
this._chartHeight = newHeight;
get getChartHeight() {
return this._chartHeight;
set setChartWidth(newWidth) {
this._chartWidth = newWidth;
get getChartWidth() {
return this._chartWidth;
set setMargins(newMargins) {
this._margins = newMargins;
get getMargins() {
return this._margins;
set setColors(newColors) {
this._colors = newColors;
get getColors() {
return this._colors;
get getColorScale() {
return this._colorScale;
set setTitle(newTitle) {
this._title = newTitle;
get getTitle() {
return this._title;
set setFontSize(newFontSize) {
this._fontSize = newFontSize;
get getFontSize() {
return this._fontSize;
set setFontStyle(newFontStyle) {
this._fontStyle = newFontStyle;
get getFontStyle() {
return this._fontStyle;
set setxAxisLabel(newLabel) {
this._xAxisLabel = newLabel;
get getxAxisLabel() {
return this._xAxisLabel;
set setyAxisLabel(newLabel) {
this._yAxisLabel = newLabel;
get getyAxisLabel() {
return this._yAxisLabel;
set setxAxisOrientation(newOrientation) {
this._xAxisOrientation = newOrientation;
get getxAxisOrientation() {
return this._xAxisOrientation;
set setyAxisOrientation(newOrientation) {
this._yAxisOrientation = newOrientation;
get getyAxisOrientation() {
return this._yAxisOrientation;
Updates the margins on the chart
@function changeMargins
@description Updates the margins on the chart
@param {Object} options New margin values formatted as such: { top: 30, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 50 }
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
changeMargins(options) {
Check for valid input
if (typeof options !== 'object' || Array.isArray(options)) {
throw new errors.MarginsFormatError;
Use setter to update margins property
this.setMargins = options;
Call the updateMargins method that exists on the subclass
Call the updateChartComponents method on the subclass to recreate the chart components so the changes are visible
return this;
Updates the width of the chart
@function changeWidth
@description Updates the width of the chart
@param {Number} width New width in px
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
changeWidth(width) {
Check for valid input
if (typeof width !== 'number') {
throw new errors.WidthError;
Use setter to update width property
this.setChartWidth = width;
Call the updateWidth method that exists on the subclass
Call the updateChartComponents method on the subclass to recreate the chart components so the changes are visible
return this;
Updates the height of the chart
@function changeHeight
@description Updates the height of the chart
@param {Number} height New height in px
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
changeHeight(height) {
Check for valid input
if (typeof height !== 'number') {
throw new errors.HeightError;
Use setter to update height property
this.setChartHeight = height;
Call the updateHeight method that exists on the subclass
Call the updateChartComponents method on the subclass to recreate the chart components so the changes are visible
return this;
Updates the title of the chart
@function changeTitle
@description Updates the title of the chart
@param {String} title New chart title
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
changeTitle(title) {
Check for valid input
if (typeof title !== 'string' && typeof title !== 'number') {
throw new errors.TitleError;
Use setter to update title property
this.setTitle = title;
Call the updateTitle method on Internal config object which handles the d3 manipulation
return this;
Updates the font size on the chart
@function changeFontSize
@description Updates the font size on the chart
@param {Number} size New font size
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
changeFontSize(size) {
Check for valid input
if (typeof size !== 'number') {
throw new errors.FontSizeError;
Use setter to update size property
this.setFontSize = size;
Call the updateFontSize method on Internal config object which handles the d3 manipulation
return this;
Updates the font style on the chart
@function changeFontStyle
@description Updates the font style on the chart
@param {String} font New font style
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
changeFontStyle(font) {
Check for valid input
if (typeof font !== 'string') {
throw new errors.FontStyleError;
Use setter to update font style property
this.setFontStyle = font;
Call the updateFontStyle method on Internal config object which handles the d3 manipulation
return this;
Updates the x-axis label on the chart
@function changexAxisLabel
@description Updates the x-axis label on the chart
@param {String} label New x-axis label
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
changexAxisLabel(label) {
Use setter to update x-axis-label property
this.setxAxisLabel = label;
Call the updatexAxisLabel method on the subclass instance. The update functionality varies for each chart type, hence why we call the method on the instance
return this;
Updates the y-axis label on the chart.
@function changeyAxisLabel
@description Updates the y-axis label on the chart.
@param {String} label New y-axis label
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
changeyAxisLabel(label) {
Use setter to update y-axis-label property
this.setyAxisLabel = label;
Call the updateyAxisLAbel method on the subclass instance. The update functionality varies for each chart type, hence why we call the method on the instance
return this;
Updates the colors on the chart.
@function changeColors
@description Updates the colors on the chart.
@param {Array} colors New chart colors. Can be RGB, HEX or string
color name
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
changeColors(colors) {
Check for valid input
if (!Array.isArray(colors)) {
throw new errors.ColorError;
Use setter to update colors property
this.setColors = colors;
Call the updateColors method on the subclass instance. The update functionality varies for each chart type, hence why we call the method on the instance
return this;
Sets the div element in which the d3 chart will created.
@function in
@description Sets the div element in which the d3 chart will created.
@param {String} classOrid Class or Id of the div element where d3 chart
will be created
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
in(classOrid) {
Check to make sure data has already been set
if (!this.data) {
throw new errors.InBeforeUsingError;
Set the location of the d3 chart element to the DOM element with the class or id passed in
this.location = classOrid;
Builds up the d3 chart. The functionality for building the chart varies by Chart type, hence why it lives on the subclass instance
return this;
Sets the data for the chart.
@function using
@description Sets the data for the chart.
@param {Object/JSON/URL} dataInput Data for D3 chart
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
using(dataInput) {
Check for valid input
if (!dataInput) {
throw new errors.NoDataError;
Set the data for the d3 chart using the data passed in
this.data = dataInput;
return this;
If using Firebase database as data source, chaining this method will capture updates to data in real-time. And chart will update without refresh
@function refreshFirebaseData
@description If using Firebase database as data source, chaining this method will capture updates to data in real-time. And chart will update without refresh
@param {String} url Firebase database url
@returns {Object} this (the chart instance)
liveUpdateFirebaseData(url) {
const ref = new Firebase(url);
ref.on('value', (snapshot) => {
this.data = snapshot.val();
}, this);
return this;
Allows for customization of chart configuration before rendering.
@function with
@description Allows for customization of chart configuration before rendering.
@param {Object} configuration object
@returns {Object} this (ChartMain class)
with(config) {
Object.keys(config).forEach(key => {
If the key is theme, we set the colors to the theme’s color (stored in themes config object)
if (key === 'theme') {
this._colors = themes[config[key]];
this[`_${key}`] = config[key];
return this;