This is required for d3 to load.
/* global d3 */
import utils from '../utils/utils';
const waffle = {
This is required for d3 to load.
/* global d3 */
import utils from '../utils/utils';
const waffle = {
Parses and sets the column names for a particular WaffleChart instance
@function setColumns
@description Parses and sets the column names for a particular WaffleChart instance
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
setColumns(context) {
context.xColumnName = utils.getFirstOrdinalColumn(context.data);
context.yColumnName = utils.getColumnNames(context.data)[1];
return context;
Processes the data input and calculates the required number of squares and colors
@function processData
@description Processes the data input and calculates the required number of squares and colors
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context(chart instance)
processData(context) {
sum of dataset
const total = d3.sum(context.data, (d) => { return d[context.yColumnName]; });
context.processedData = [];
setting square value to sum of data set divided by number of squares in the chart
context.setSquareValue = total / (context.getNumColumns * context.getNumRows);
Remap the data
context.data.forEach((d, i) => {
d[context.yColumnName] = +d[context.yColumnName];
Figure out how many squares are needed
d.units = Math.floor(d[context.yColumnName] / context.getSquareValue);
context.processedData = context.processedData.concat(Array(d.units + 1)
.map(() => {
return {
squareValue: context.getSquareValue,
units: d.units,
[context.yColumnName]: d[context.yColumnName],
groupIndex: i,
[context.xColumnName]: d[context.xColumnName],
return context;
Calculates the size of each square
@function calculateSize
@description Calculates the size of each square
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
calculateSize(context) {
context.setChartWidth = ((context.getSquareSize * context.getNumColumns) + context.getNumColumns * context.getGapSize + context.getSquareSize);
context.setChartHeight = ((context.getSquareSize * context.getNumRows) + context.getNumRows * context.getGapSize + context.getSquareSize);
return context;
Builds the actual chart components (dots) and tooltip with data.
@function buildChartComponents
@description Builds the actual chart components (dots) and tooltip with data.
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
buildChartComponents(context) {
const tooltip = context.tooltip;
.attr('class', 'waffle')
.attr('width', context.getSquareSize)
.attr('height', context.getSquareSize)
.attr('class', (d) => { return 'square ' + context.xColumnName + d.groupIndex; })
.on('mouseover', (d) => {
.style('opacity', 0.6);
select all from same group
d3.selectAll('.' + d3.select(d3.event.target).attr('class').split(' ')[1]).transition()
.style('opacity', 1);
tooltip.setContent(`${d[context.xColumnName]}, ${d[context.yColumnName]}`);
.on('mouseout', () => {
.style('opacity', 1);
.style('opacity', 0)
.attr('x', (d, i) => {
groups n squares for column
const col = Math.floor(i / context.getNumRows);
return (col * context.getSquareSize) + (col * context.getGapSize);
.attr('y', 300)
.attr('fill', (d) => {
return context.getColors(d.groupIndex);
.delay((d, i) => { return i * 10; })
.attr('y', (d, i) => {
const row = i % context.getNumRows;
return (context.getNumRows * context.getSquareSize) - ((row * context.getSquareSize) + (row * context.getGapSize) + 10) - 17;
.style('opacity', 1);
return context;
Updates the chart’s style on the element
@function styleChart
@description Updates the chart's style on the element
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
styleChart(context) {
.style('font-family', context.getFontStyle)
.attr('font-size', context.getFontSize)
.attr('class', 'title')
.attr('x', context.getChartWidth * 0.5)
.attr('y', 20)
.text(`${context.xColumnName} | ${context.yColumnName}`);
return context;
Creates a legend for the chart according to colors and data used
@function createLegend
@description Creates a legend for the chart according to colors and data used
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
createLegend(context) {
const legend = context.svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'legend')
.attr('class', 'legend-data')
Makes each rect spaced by 20px
.attr('transform', (d, i) => { return 'translate(' + (i * 50) + ', ' + (context.getChartHeight) + ')'; });
.attr('x', 10)
.attr('width', context.getNumColumns)
.attr('height', 5)
Setting colors
.style('fill', context.getColors);
// append the name of ordinal data
.attr('x', 32)
.attr('y', 20)
.style('text-anchor', 'end')
.text((d) => { return context.data[d][context.xColumnName]; });
return context;
Updates the chart’s colors
@function updateColors
@description Updates the chart's colors
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
updateColors(context) {
.style('fill', (d) => { return context.getColors(d[context.yColumnName]); });
context.element.selectAll('.legend-data rect')
.style('fill', context.getColors);
return context;
Updates the chart components by re-processing the data
@function updateChartComponents
@description Updates the chart components by re-processing the data
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
updateChartComponents(context) {
return context;
export default waffle;