/* global d3 */
const InternalBar = {
This is required for d3 to load.
/* global d3 */
const InternalBar = {
Builds the actual chart components with data, including the tooltips
@function buildChartComponents
@description Builds the actual chart components with data, including the tooltips
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
buildChartComponents(context) {
Uses d3 to build the chart components for bar chart using the chart data. Sets event listeners mouseover and mouseout to hide/show tooltips. Uses transition to transition the bars into view.
const tooltip = context.tooltip;
.attr('class', 'bar')
.on('mouseover', (d) => { // Set up tooltips
tooltip.setContent(`<strong>${context.yColumnName}:</strong> ${d[context.yColumnName]}</br>
<strong>${context.xColumnName}:</strong> ${d[context.xColumnName]}`);
.style('fill', context.getColors[1]);
.on('mouseout', () => {
.style('fill', context.getColors[0]);
.attr('x', d => { return context.xScale(d[context.getxAxisLabel]); }) // start position before transition
.attr('y', context.getChartHeight)
.attr('width', context.xScale.rangeBand())
.attr('height', 0)
.style('fill', context.getColors[0])
.transition() // transiiton to ending position of rects
.delay((d, i) => { return i * 50; })
.attr('y', d => { return context.yScale(d[context.getyAxisLabel]); })
.attr('height', d => { return context.getChartHeight - context.yScale(d[context.getyAxisLabel]); });
return context;
Updates and recreates the bars on chart
@function updateChartComponents
@description Updates and recreates the bars on chart
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
updateChartComponents(context) {
.attr('class', 'bar')
.attr('x', d => { return context.xScale(d[context.getxAxisLabel]); })
.attr('width', context.xScale.rangeBand())
.attr('y', d => { return context.yScale(d[context.getyAxisLabel]); })
.attr('height', d => { return context.getChartHeight - context.yScale(d[context.getyAxisLabel]); })
.style('fill', context.getColors[0]);
return context;
Updates the chart’s style on the element
@function styleChart
@description Updates the chart's style on the element
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
styleChart(context) {
Styles the chart’s font-size, font-style, and title
.style('font-family', context.getFontStyle)
.attr('font-size', context.getFontSize)
.attr('class', 'title')
.attr('x', context.getChartWidth * 0.5)
.attr('y', 20)
return context;
Updates color of bar chart after initial render
@function updateColors
@description Updates color of bar chart after initial render
@param {Object} context (chart instance)
@returns {Object} context (chart instance)
updateColors(context) {
return context;
export default InternalBar;