This is required for d3 to load.
/* global d3 */
import errors from './errors';
import Firebase from 'firebase';
This is required for d3 to load.
/* global d3 */
import errors from './errors';
import Firebase from 'firebase';
Holds various utility functions used throughout the library, particularly for creating, building and modifying chart elements.
const utils = {
isAcceptableFileExtension(extension) {
const okayExtensions = {
'json': true,
'tsv': true,
'csv': true,
return extension in okayExtensions;
Checks the data type for a given input
@function getDataType
@description Checks the data type for a given input
@param {Object/String} rawData The raw data from user
@returns {String} The type of data that was entered
getDataType(rawData) {
if (rawData.constructor === String) {
try {
return 'json';
} catch (e) {
return 'location';
} else if (Array.isArray(rawData)) {
return 'array';
} else if (rawData instanceof Object) {
return 'object';
Gets data from file
@function getData
@description Gets data from file
@param {Object/String} rawData The raw data from user
@returns {Promise} A promise resolved when the data is available
getData(rawData) {
const dataType = utils.getDataType(rawData);
if (dataType === 'location') {
const splitData = rawData.split('.');
const fileExtension = rawData.split('.')[splitData.length - 1];
if (utils.isAcceptableFileExtension(fileExtension)) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
d3[fileExtension](rawData, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
} else {
throw new errors.UnacceptableFileExtensionError;
Gets Firebase data from Firebase url passed in
@function getFirebaseData
@description Gets Firebase data from Firebase url passed in
@param {String} url Firebase database url
@returns {Promise} A promise resolved when the data is available
getFirebaseData(url) {
assuming they have firebase source included in html file
const ref = new Firebase(url);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ref.on('value', (snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.val();
if (!data) {
reject('Firebase data failed to load :(');
} else {
Checks the scale of column and returns if it ordinal
@function isOridinal
@description Checks the scale of column and returns if it ordinal
@param {Object} data The graph data object
@param {Object} columnName The column from the data
@returns {Boolean} If the column scale is Ordinal
isOrdinal(data, columnName) {
const dataType = utils.getDataType(data);
if (dataType === 'array') {
if (Number(data[0][columnName])) {
return false;
} else if (dataType === 'object') {
if (Number(data[columnName])) {
return false;
return true;
Checks the scale of column and returns if it linear
@function isLinear
@description Checks the scale of column and returns if it linear
@param {Object} data The graph data object
@param {Object} columnName The column from the data
@returns {Boolean} If the column scale is Linear
isLinear(data, columnName) {
if (!utils.isOrdinal(data, columnName) && !utils.isTime(data, columnName)) {
return true;
return false;
Checks the scale of column and returns if it linear
@function isTime
@description Checks the scale of column and returns if it linear
@param {Object} data The graph data object
@param {Object} columnName The column from the data
@returns {Boolean} If the column scale is Linear
isTime(data, columnName, format) {
if (utils.isAcceptableTimeFormat(data[0][columnName], format)) {
return true;
return false;
Returns true a given timeStamp can be writen in a time format
@function isAcceptableTimeFormat
@description Returns true a given timeStamp can be writen in a time format
@param {String} timeStamp A UTC time or string
@returns {Boolean} If the timeStamp is a valid time
isAcceptableTimeFormat(timeStamp, format) {
const _timeStamp = String(timeStamp);
if (format) {
const parser = d3.time.format(format).parse;
return parser(_timeStamp) !== null;
} else if (_timeStamp.split(' ').length > 1 || _timeStamp.split('/').length > 1 || _timeStamp.split('-').length > 1) {
return new Date(_timeStamp).toString() !== 'Invalid Date';
return false;
Gets all the column names for the data set
@function getColumnNames
@description Gets all the column names for the data set
@param {Object} data The graph data object
@returns {Boolean} If the column scale is Linear
getColumnNames(data) {
const dataType = utils.getDataType(data);
if (dataType === 'object') {
return Object.keys(data);
} else if (dataType === 'array') {
return Object.keys(data[0]);
Gets the first possible ordinal column
@function getFirstOrdinalColumn
@description Gets the first possible ordinal column
@param {Object} data The graph data object
@returns {String} The first column that can be oridinal
getFirstOrdinalColumn(data) {
const columnNames = utils.getColumnNames(data);
for (let i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) {
if (utils.isOrdinal(data, columnNames[i])) {
return columnNames[i];
return null;
Gets the first possible linear column
@function getFirstLinearColumn
@description Gets the first possible linear column
@param {Object} data The graph data object
@returns {String} The first column that can be linear
getFirstLinearColumn(data) {
const columnNames = utils.getColumnNames(data);
for (let i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) {
if (utils.isLinear(data, columnNames[i])) {
return columnNames[i];
return null;
Gets the first possible time scale column
@function getFirstTimeColumn
@description Gets the first possible time scale column
@param {Object} data The graph data object
@returns {String} The first column that can be linear
getFirstTimeColumn(data, format) {
const columnNames = utils.getColumnNames(data);
for (let i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) {
if (utils.isTime(data, columnNames[i], format)) {
return columnNames[i];
return null;
Parses time data
@function parseTimeData
@description Parses time data
@param {Object} data
@description The graph data object
@param {String} column
@description The current column that needs to be parsed
@param (String) format
@description Specifies a posiible time format
@returns {String} Time parsed data
parseTimeData(data, column, format) {
if (format) {
const parser = d3.time.format(format).parse;
data.forEach(item => {
item[column] = parser(item[column]);
if (!(item[column] instanceof Date)) {
throw new errors.DateError;
} else {
data.forEach(item => {
item[column] = new Date(item[column]);
if (item[column].toString() === 'Invalid Date') {
throw new errors.DateError;
return data;
Parses strings to numbers
@function parseNumberData
@description Parses strings to numbers
@param {Object} data
@description The graph data object
@param {String} column
@returns {String} Column parsed as number
parseNumberData(data, column) {
data.forEach(item => {
item[column] = Number(item[column]);
return data;
export default utils;